Tartan floor
Tartan flooring for sports or children playgrounds. Included are five different colors for the albedo map (red, green, blue, yellow, white), and a 3D file with splines or geometry of various sport courts with which you can generate the white markings.
Location: Berlin
Real world approximate size: 2.2 × 2.2m
Height Values: min value:-0.002m / max value:0.002m
Seamless textures : X+Y
Available Sizes:
4K (4096 × 4096 px)
8K (8192 × 8192 px)
Maps included:
5 × Albedo (JPG, 8-bit)
Roughness (JPG 8-bit)
Ambient Occlusion (JPG 8-bit)
Normal (JPG 8-bit)
Height (PNG, 16-bit)
model file format:
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